She asked: 'did u know it was oms bday??'
then I answered her,
I said: 'oms=om willy? i don't have his phone number... so,,please tell kk Ni i send my greeting through her,,, happy bday.... ^__^'
this is the beginning of our miss communication happened.
She answered: 'I meant *oma.. Hahahahahaha LOL'
I said: 'ooh........ i don't get it... ups..bad me,, you wrote oms,,i think it's *om's* hahahahaha (rofl) okok,,,let us straight this.... oma..
i didn't know it...'
She answered: 'ROFLMAO! Yes oma's bday :p'
Then I said: 'hahahahaha,,,,this is what we called misscommunication...hahaha
no zar,,i dont know today was oma's bday...... om ci have told me once,,and i forgot... hehehe ^___^'
Miss communication can be happened anytime, anywhere, LOL.
maybe we should be more careful, when we speek,write, or do something. check it again....LOL
gini yak anak komunikasi.
apa2 kaitin sama komunikasi.
coba kalo miscomm gini karena ada apa?
btul sekali.
bentuk noisenya apaA?
iyaak..bnr...abis gue ampe geli sndr,,and brasa malu sndr...
padahal kalo diliat awal dari misscom.nya yg salah ade gue....
masa nulisnya OMS,,,kan gue ngiranya OM,,hadduuhh
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