Wednesday, 28 April 2010

can't stop loving you - phil collins

So you're leaving
In the morning
On the early train
Well I could say everything's alright
And I could pretend and say good bye

Got your ticket
Got your suitcase
Got your leaving smile
(Ohh) I could say that's the way it goes
And I could pretend and you won't know
That I was lying

Cause I can't stop loving you
No I can't stop loving you
No I won't stop loving you
Why should I

We took a taxi to the station
Not a word was said
I saw you walk across the road
For maybe the last time, I don't know

Feeling humble
Heard the rumble
On the railway track
And when I hear the whistle blow
I walk away and you won't know
That I'll be crying

Cause I can't stop loving you
No, I can't stop loving you
No I won't stop loving you
Why should I

(Even try)
I'll always be here by your side (why why why)
I never wanted to say goodbye (why even try)
I'm always here if you change, change your mind

So you're leaving
In the morning
On the early train
Well I could say everything's alright
And I could pretend and say good bye
That would be lying

Because I can't stop loving you
No I can't stop loving you
No I won't stop loving you
Why should I
Even try

Because I can't stop loving you
No I can't stop loving you
No I won't stop loving you
Why should I
Why should I
Why should I
Tell me why
Why should I
Even try

*one of favorite song that has a deep meaning and touch my heart*

Monday, 26 April 2010


i could not stop myself from laughing first time i saw this pic..

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Rapuh - Agnes Monica

Lagu ini yang belakangan terngiang di kepala gue, dan gue selalu sedih dengernya...

Belum sempat ku membagi kebahagiaanku
Belum sempat ku membuat dia tersenyum
Haruskah ku kehilangan ‘tuk kesekian kali
Tuhan kumohon jangan lakukan itu

Reff :
Sebab ku sayang dia
Sebab ku kasihi dia
Sebab ku tak rela
Tak s’lalu bersama
Ku rapuh tanpa dia
Seperti kehilangan harap

Jikalau memang harus ku alami duka
Kuatkan hati ini menerimanya

Back to Reff 2x

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Ingin Lagi (>.<)

Ooopppss! Don't get it wrong.
Gue pengen lagi.. maksudnya adalah: gue pengen lagi deh nonton "How To Train Your Dragon"

Entah kenapa, sekian tahun gue baru nemuin lagi film kartun yang bener-bener bikin gue jatuh cinta... Setelah Nemo lewat bertahun-tahun yang lalu...
Film buatan Dreamworks ini jadi film yang berminggu-minggu ada di puncak Box Office dan bahkan ngalahin Avatar! WOW!
Film ber-genre animasi fantasi ini cocok banget ditonton rame-rame sama keluarga. Anak-anak juga pasti suka nonton film yang tersedia dalam 3D juga ini.

Abis nonton film ini, 29 Maret yang lalu gue selalu pengen nonton dan nonton lagi...
Rasanya gak bakal bosen nonton Hiccup & Toothless yang sweet dan lucu!
From the studio that brought you "Shrek," "Madagascar" and "Kung Fu Panda" comes "How to Train Your Dragon." Set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild dragons, and based on the book by Cressida Cowell, the action comedy tells the story of Hiccup, a Viking teenager who doesn’t exactly fit in with his tribe's longstanding tradition of heroic dragon slayers. Hiccup's world is turned upside down when he encounters a dragon that challenges he and his fellow Vikings to see the world from an entirely different point of view.

Dan belum lagi pengisi suara Hiccup-nya imut2 juga kayak karakter yang dia maenin.. hahahaha!

you can call this my new home

Immanuel Choir GKI Maulana Yusuf Bandung

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Too Much Pain When I See It

How can i say it's painful to see this?
It's because this moment can't be back again...
So sad to know that...
There's a time with them that cannot be erased but will never come back,
even if this is the best moment in my life...

Having them all as part of life is my greatest gift
We were together. We laughed. We all cried. We shared everything
And those memories just can be seen in dream and past
We are not together now,
but I know...
We still have the same feeling...
We longed for togetherness...

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

uts hari ini enggak banget!


Thursday, 1 April 2010


"NYES!!!! Tadi pagi gue dapet telepon katanya si x jatoh dari motor, jadi hari ini gak bisa kuliah.... mau jenguk gak?? Parah katanya,, tadi masuk ICU gitu.... duh,,serem banget deh sumpah! huhuhuhuhu"

"Ah yang bener lo??? Kejadiannya di mana?"

"Di depan Borromeus, katanya di pertigaan itu motornya ditabrak ama angkot yang lagi nyalip. Terus dya langsung jatoh keseret berapa meter gitu... Kepalanya bocor"

"Paaarraaah,,,,yaudah yuukk entar siang kita jenguk................." *dengan nada sedih dan ikutan panik*


"Tapi gimana yaa, Nyes?.........................." *terdengar ragu-ragu dan bingung*


"....................................................................................kayaknya kalo hari ini gak bisa,,,,"

"HAH? Kenapa?? Gue cemas banget nih ama dya....."

".....................Soalnya hari ini APRIL MOB!!! wakakakakakakakakakakakakak!!!!!" *ketawa ngakak ampe sakit perut*