Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Ah, akhirnya tertawa bersama lagi

Setelah beberapa semester gak bersenang-senang ngumpul dan ngobrol bareng lagi. Akhirnya tadi gue sama Aash, Gita, Adis, Anggun ketawa-ketawa bareng lagi. Bercanda ria dan ngakak lagi, ah! gue rindu saat-saat ini... :D

Kangen banget sama masa-masa kayak gini, sampe dengan semester 3 kita semua masih menikmati kuliah dan semua terasa menghibur, gak ada yang kita ambil pusing.
Tapi sejak masuk semester 3 sampe saat ini semester 6, kuliah makin membosankan apalagi banyak yang berubah sejak itu... Gita pindah rumah jadi jauh dari kosan gue, yang bikin kita otomatis jadi jarang maen bareng lagi gara2nya abis kuliah pasti dia langsung balik ato ke tempat cowoknya. Terus Aash yang masih saja sibuk dengan dunia PSM dan kegiatan lainnya entah apa itu. :( Adis yang juga sekarang punya urusannya sendiri. Yang terakhir adalah gue yang juga ga bisa semena-mena kayak dulu lagi urusan uang dan makan... :(
Ketawa dan bercanda, ngumpul bareng udah jarang banget dilakukan,. huhuhuhu...
Makanya tadi rasanya nyenengin.... kayak mendapat kembali masa indah kuliah. hahaha

Terima kasih ya Tuhan buat hari ini. Kenanganku bersama teman-teman kembali lagi :)


Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Just Living


I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.

One Year, Six Months

Sew this up with threads of reason and regret
So I will not forget. I will not forget
How this felt one year six months ago
I know I cannot forget. I cannot forget

I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do
Follow me there
A beautiful somewhere
A place that I can share with you

I can tell that you don't know me anymore
It's easy to forget, sometimes we just forget
And being on this road is anything but sure
Maybe we'll forget, I hope we don't forget

I'm falling into memories of you,and things we used to do
Follow me there
A beautiful somewhere
A place that I can share with you

So many nights, legs tangled tight
Wrap me up in a dream with you
Close off these eyes, try not to cry
All that I've got to pull me through is memories of you
Memories of you
Memories of you
Memories of you

I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do
Follow me there
A beautiful somewhere
A place that we can share
Falling into memories of you and things we used to do

Hidupku = Cerita Komik??

Ada yang pernah berpikir kayak apa hidup mengikuti cerita komik?
Kalo iya, kamu bukan satu-satunya orang yang mendambakan hal kayak gitu di dunia ini...Terutama cerita-cerita romantis di komik cewek yang mellow2...

Gue ini salah satu orang yang sering membayangkan kisah cinta kayak di komik-komik yang gue baca. Terlalu konyol. :D *sampe kadang gue menertawakan diri sendiri*
Padahal gue tau kehidupan nyata gak selalu kayak komik, yang alurnya bisa diubah jadi happy ending, di mana cowok cakep dan tajir banget bisa jatuh cinta sama cewek yang gak ada apa-apanya di banding cewek cantik lainnya. Gue sadar yang kayak gitu cuma cerita bahagia komik, walaupun mungkin ada sih cowok macem begitu... :( *sayangnya gue belom pernah tuh ketemu cowok yang begitu*

Mungkin udah saatnya gue bangun dari angan-angan hidup kayak di komik... Rasanya kurang masuk di akal aja hareee geneeeh masih mimpi.... Hahahaa. WAKE UP, DUDE! Ayolah lo-lo yang kayak gue juga segera bangun dan bikin kehidupan lo lebih berarti lagi. dari sekedar mimpi di siang bolong. hahaha. Jangan cuma ngarep dapet cowok ganteng berat kayak di komik, tapi lo ongkang-ongkang kaki doang nunggu jodoh turun dari langit. Jangan cuma pengen jadi cewek yang dapet cowok baik yang dateng secara gak sengaja gara-gara tabrakan di belokan jalan. HAHAHAHAHA! Itu namanya mimpi doang!
Kalo mau yang kayak gitu, harus ada effort-nya! Usaha biar jadi cewek yang menarik... biar cowok 'ngeh' ama keberadaan lo...
Berangkat dari mimpi siapa tau semua bisa jadi kenyataan asal ada kemauan buat bikin hidup lo jadi kayak gitu... tapi jangan selalu ngantur bahwa hidup lo harus bener-bener kayak di komik itu loh,, lo juga HARUS tau diri dan SADAR kalo lo idup di zaman manusia nyata, bukan komik. :D

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Season I Love The Most

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. ~Stanley Horowitz

falling leaves
hide the path
so quietly
~John Bailey, "Autumn"
Among four seasons in this world, I love AUTUMN the most.
AUTUMN. It's kinda sweet to be pronounced.
See the picture?
I love that kind of view... <3>
I can feel romantic atmosphere from that picture
Falling leaves in the ground and autumn breeze that can warm your heart...
Imagine that you walk through the street that covered with autumn leaves
So romantic, isn't it?
And then, the other reason I love AUTUMN is because I was born in September,
and it usually AUTUMN.
SEPTEMBER and AUTUMN, don't you think they suit each other?
It sweet and I love AUTUMN

Time In Life

For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


Gue suka banget nulis sebenernya, cuma yang gue tulis bener-bener tergantung mood aja. Waktu SMP gue pernah nulis satu cerita. Yang pasti bukan cerita pendek,soalnya gue nulisnya abis satu buku tulis penuh. Berarti sebutlah cerita panjang. :D . Itu cerita gue bikin waktu gue iseng tidur-tiduran di kamar. Ceritanya gue ambil aja dari sedikit kejadian dalam hidup gue. Yah, emang tentang cinta-cintaan siih... Suatu saat bakal gue posting bersambung deh di blog ini.. biar kalian bisa baca cerita menggelikan dan memalukan itu. Biarlah gue buka isi pikiran gue... hahahaha! Cerita cinta-cintaan anak SMP!
Tapi gara-gara itu gue ngelanjutin nulis beberapa cerita sejenis juga. Gue janji kapan-kapan gue posting. ^_^ sekalian buat kenang-kenangan gue. :P


Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
I Corinthians 13:4-8

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

a letter from God

mungkin udah banyak yang pernah baca ini, tp tak apalah, ga ada salahnya kan berbagi kabar baik :)

Referensi: KEHIDUPAN

Aku Tuhan, hari ini Aku yang akan menangani semua masalahmu.
Aku tidak butuh bantuanmu.
Jadi, salam sejahtera dan Aku mencintaimu selalu.

Catatan: Dan ingat…
Bila dunia ini menyodorkan masalah yang tidak dapat kau tangani sendiri, jangan berusaha menyelesaikan masalah itu.
Tetapi,letakkanlah masalah itu di dalam doamu (Untuk diselesaikan oleh Tuhan).

Aku akan menyelesaikan masalahmu sesuai JADWAL yang Aku tentukan sendiri.

Semua masalahmu PASTI akan Aku selesaikan, tetapi sesuai jadwalKu, bukan jadwalmu.
Setelah semua masalahmu kamu letakkan dalam doamu, janganlah kamu pikirkan dan khawatirkan. Sebaliknya, fokuslah kepada semua hal-hal baik yang sedang terjadi padamu sekarang.

Bila kamu terjebak kemacetan dijalan, janganlah marah, sebab masih banyak orang didunia ini yang tidak pernah naik mobil seumur hidupnya.

Bila kamu berhadapan dengan masalah di tempat kerja, berpikirlah bahwa masih banyak orang yang menganggur bertahun-tahun tanpa pekerjaan.

Bila kamu sedih karena hubungan keluarga, pikirkanlah orang-orang yang belum pernah merasakan mencintai dan dicintai.

Bila kamu merasa bosan dengan akhir minggu, pikirkanlah orang-orang yang harus lembur siang malam tanpa libur untuk menghidupi keluarga & anak-anaknya.

Bila mobil kamu mogok & mengharuskan kamu
berjalan kaki, janganlah marah, pikirkanlah orang-orang cacat yang sangat ingin merasakan berjalan diatas kaki sendiri seperti kamu sekarang.

Bila kamu melihat dicermin rambutmu mulai beruban, janganlah bersedih, sebab mempunyai rambut hanyalah merupakan impian bagi orang-orang yang dalam perawatan kemoterapi.

Bila kamu merenungi makna hidupmu di dunia ini & merenungi apa tujuan hidupmu ini? Bersyukurlah, karena banyak orang yang tidak punya kesempatan hidup yang cukup lama untuk merenungi hidup mereka.

Bila kamu merasa tidak nyaman karena terkena imbas dari kemarahan dan kekecewaan orang lain, ingatlah, situasi bisa menjadi jauh lebih buruk; yaitu kamulah yang merasakan kemarahan & kekecewaan tersebut!

Bila kamu memutuskan untuk meneruskan surat ini ke orang lain, terima kasih. Kamu telah menyentuh kehidupan mereka dalam banyak hal yang tidak pernah kamu bayangkan!

Salam sejahtera selalu, TUHAN

God has seen you struggling,
God says it's over.

source: from a note sent by a friend on facebook

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Funny Things from Finding Nemo - part 2

Dory's unconscious mutterings

  • …you gonna eat that?
  • …careful with that hammer…
  • …sea monkey has my money…
  • …yes, I'm a natural blue…
(The remaining mutterings are outtakes from the DVD.)
  • …Klaus…Klaus, the piƱata's drooping…
  • …no…E = mand you know it as well as I do…
  • …you have a bad haircut, Alfie…
  • …who's there?… Banana who?
  • …uh, aren't you glad?
  • …big money!…no whammies

Funny Things from Finding Nemo - part 1

Dory's alternative names for Nemo

  • Your son, Chico?
  • He's lost his son, Fabio.
  • His son, Bingo-
  • Poor Rocko.
  • We're going to find Reemo!
  • Not much fun for little Harpo.
  • Bye, Elmo!
  • (In special feature; Speaking to Marlin and Nemo) Carlin, Burrito.

LOL. Everytime I see the movie, i will never get bored. Finding Nemo will never dies!!!

How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone

sebaik apapun aku mencoba, tapi...

hahah! judulnya meloow amat. padahal cerita gue ga se-depresi itu walopun bisa dibilang kurang bersemangat juga sih.

bukan cerita tentang sesuatu yang menyedihkan, gak ada hubungannya dengan broken heart, gak ada hubungannya sama cowok, pokoknya gak ada hubungannya sama cinta-cintaan.

Hindari itu saat ini. HUUFFF...
tapi emang gue saat ini butuh menarik napas dalam-dalam. otak gue udah mau meledak.

sebenernya ini 'cuma' tentang tugas kuliah gue. gue punya dua tugas, yang satu buat besok Rabu, 17 Maret 2010. yang satu lagi buat Kamis, 18 Maret 2010.

sekarang ini gue lagi mencoba memahami tugas buat besok, filsafat komunikasi. dikasih bacaan tapi entah kenapa kata-kata yang ada di buku itu SAMA SEKALI gak masuk ke otak gue, sedangkan buat menjawab pengertian ontologis, epistimologis, dan aksiologis gue harus ngerti bacaan itu.
udah dari semalem gue mencoba baca dan mengerti... but i ended up with -just- sleep beside my book... sampai pagi!
jadi? apa hasilnya?

alhasil, pagi ini dengan pikiran penuh penyesalan -mengapa tadi malam gue tidur- gue mencoba lagi baca, baca, dan baca.
gak berasa udah jam 12 lebih. dan gue belom menemukan hasil apa-apa.
mungkin boleh dibilang:
"sebaik apapun aku mencobaa, tapi...... aku belum mengerjakan apapun. sungguh sia-sia"


gue mulai nulis...
entah apa lah yang gue dapet dari hasil gue 'membaca' tapi pada akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk 'melantur' saja.
i've had enough. no more brainstorming.
but the fact is i still have one more assignment. MALESIN BANGET.

mungkin quote ini bisa membuat gue lebih bersemangat. heyah!

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win


Monday, 15 March 2010

Quotes of The Day

"There are no gains without pains"


Analogi Jadi AnnaGeli* ! bwahahaha! x_x

Gue ini penggemar idola cilik...
Waktu lagi browsing-browsing video di youtube, gue nemuin video Rio (idola cilik 3) nyanyi Dealova waktu pentas idola cilik...

Iseng-iseng gue baca komentar-komentarnya yang emang rata-rata pada muji jagoan gue ini...
Eh! Tiba-tiba ada satu komentar yang bikin gue jadi ngakak sendiri, isinya:

Patton,segala bentuk,garis dan warna ada (bergelombang,spiral,lingkaran ,merah,hijau,dst!),berdentum seperti kembang api penyambut tahun baru
Obiet,jernih bagai air--suara gemericiknya terasa segar dan amat menyejukkan

suka semua! tapi,kalau diurut dari nomor satu,yg paling disuka jelas... RIO! RIO! RIO! belum kutemukan analogi yg pas untuknya,tapi ada yg pernah komen di salah satu video rio,kalau suaranya rio kayak es krim--manis...lembut...creamy. .. dan gw setuju! ;-P

Oh man,,hahahahaha!!!! Niat banget niii orang bikin komentar...pake analogi segala. Abis baca gue cekikikan aja sendiri......... hahahahaha. Patton suaranya spiral lingkaran merah hijau katanyaaa.... >.< ,,seperti kembang api tahun baru! alamak! Kreatif nyeleneh juga nii orang...... hihihihi Tapi *jempol* buat orang ini,,kita sama-sama pendukungnya Rio dan Obhiet soalnya!


*gue geli

Sunday, 14 March 2010

KISS SCENE all Disney Classic *gara2 Laura jadi posting Disney2an nih!*

(from left to right)
1. Snow White
2. Aladdin
3. Sleeping Beauty
4. Beauty and The Beast
5. Tarzan
6. Hunchback of Notre Dame
7. Little Mermaid
8. The Lion King
9. Hercules
10. Lady and The Tramp
11. Pocahontas
12. Mulan

Milik siapa THE BEST KISS SCENE menurutmu? ^_^


Ada seorang 'teman' -yang tentu gak bisa disebutin namanya- punya penyakit AKU-SENTRIS. Apaan tuh aku-sentris? Gue sih nyebutnya 'aku-sentris' buat orang-orang yang kalo cerita, isi ceritanya tentang dirinyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aja...
'Si teman' ini orangnya gak jahat kok, gak bisa juga dibilang gak asik, emang sedikit egois tapi... semua orang punya lah sisi egois, itu harus diakui. Bukan karena gue membicarakan tentang 'si teman' ini, terus gue jadi bilang kalo gue bukan orang yang egois. >.< Salah besar itu namanya. Gue juga egois di saat-saat tertentu.

Aaah~ sudahlah. Mari kita kembali ke topik 'aku-sentris' ini...

'Si teman' ini orangnya sangat ramah tapi berwatak keras dan berpendirian sangat kuat, malahan kadang bisa kita bilang dia selalu menganggap pendapatnya adalah yang terbaik bagi dirinya dan orang lain. Bagaimana dengan pendapat orang lain? Bukannya salah, tapi dirasa kurang tepat di hatinya.
Yang menjadi masalah adalah, setiap orang lain sedang kesusahan, sebagai orang yang baik dan memperhatikan orang lain, 'si teman' ini selalu ingin membantu dengan menjadi pendengar yang baik dan konsultan yang handal. Gue pernah melihat seorang sahabat gue tengah curhat pada 'si teman'. Usai bercerita-ria pada 'si teman', mungkin sahabat gue mulai merasa lega sudah mencurahkan unek-uneknya, kemudian dengan tenangnya menanyakan solusi pada 'si teman' ini.
Awalnya nampak biasa saja, namun 'si teman' mulai gue sadari malah bercerita tentang bagaimana dirinya jika mengalami masalah seperti sahabat gue itu. Inti persoalan hanya dilihat dari sudut pandang 'si teman' dan semua disangkut-pautkan dengan keberadaan dirinya dalam permasalahan itu atau sekedar pengalaman pribadinya -yang entah sungguhan terjadi atau hanya dikarang-karang saja- . Katanya, "Kalo dulu aku sih begini...begini... begini...makanya mungkin kamu harusnya begini...begini..begini kayak dulu aku nyelesain permasalahan itu"
Sahabat gue yang merasa kurang puas dengan solusi 'si teman' kemudian menyanggah... namun tetap saja jawaban 'si teman' adalah "Iya, kalo aku pribadi melihatnya itu sih blablabla...soalnya dulu aku...."
Dan, begitu gue perhatikan dalam beberapa kesempatan, ternyata 'si teman' memang selalu merespon pernyataan maupun pertanyaan orang lain dengan dirinya sendiri sebagai pusat dan dia memberikan saran dan solusi pada orang lain dengan menggunakan pengalaman pribadinya yang belum tentu benar jika diposisikan dalam permasalahan orang lain.
Aku-sentris ini penyakit yang memang tidak berbahaya, tapi menjadi sangat menyebalkan jika gue harus mendengar cerita orang yang aku-sentris dalam waktu yang lama.

"Helloooo... orang yang aku-sentris,,di mana gue dan orang lain berada?? Kenapa hanya ada kamu, kamu, dan kamu dalam setiap pembicaraanmu itu?? Apakah hanya kamu yang hidup dalam dunia ini?"

Pelajaran #1 (buat gue): jangan sering-sering bertanya pada orang yang punya penyakit aku-sentris.



.God give me today.
.i am still breathing.
.i am smiling.
.there is no crying.
.the sun's keep shining although it's raining.
.the bird is singing.
.friends are loving.
.i have some good things.
.the most of all is i am hoping......
...................................... for next day to coming.

"sing a song about dreams"

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you.

-- Pinnochio

Remember this lovely song?

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true

What The Pug?!?!

Uh-huh resiko gue bikin postingan ini adalah: bakal bikin gue semakin kepengen punya anjing Pug. Fakta bahwa anjing jenis ini adalah anjing yang -ternyata- sangat sangat sangat sangat lucu, membuat gue lebih suka lagi sama anjing ini. Huhuhuhuhu..... sejak jatuh cinta sama anjing ini gara-gara nonton Naruto, gue selalu memimpikan punya anjing Pug. Lho? Kenapa gara-gara Naruto? hahaha. Buat yang tau Naruto, pasti pernah liat kalo Kakashi, gurunya Naruto punya anjing ninja namanya Pakkun, dan jenisnya Pug! Konyol memang... jatuh cinta sama sesuatu yang berawal dari nonton anime. ~.~
Kecintaan sama anjing Pug terus menerus nempel di diri gue. Sampe-sampe gue rela googling all about Pug dog dan menemukan segudang informasi tentang anjing ini. And.... WHAT THE PUG! anjing ini emang layak dicintai... *lebaii mode ON*

Asal muasal PUG
1. Breed, coat, and color
Pug adalah jenis anjing kecil. Ukuran tingginya hanya sekitar 30cm. Termasuk mungil dengan wajah bulat, berkerut, moncong pendek, dan ekor menggulung.. Imut banget.... Pug sendiri diambil dari bahasa latin pugnus yang artinya kepalan tangan, karena bisa diliat kan wajah anjing pug seolah hanya sebesar kepalan tangan. Anjing pug punya bulu yang sangat pendek, halus, berkilauan, dan warna yang bervariasi seperti cokelat, hitam, dan cokelat agak kemerahan. Tubuhnya seperti terbungkus dengan otot-otot yang membuat pug menjadi terlihat gempal dengan ukuran tubuhnya yang kecil. Anak anjing pug biasanya disebut Puglets. :D
2. Origins
Negara asal anjing pug adalah dari China. Pug adalah hasil peranakan dari anjing ras Peking dengan King Charles Spaniel dan masuk dalam family Mastiff. Tetapi kepopuleran anjing ini muncul di Eropa Barat. Untuk asal muasal lebih lanjut dapat dibaca di sini !
3. Watak
Pug adalah anjing yang dapat berteman baik dengan manusia. Anjing jenis ini adalah anjing yang tidak agresif (tapi bukan berarti tidak agresif sama sekali, kita tahu hewan pasti punya naluri untuk bertindak agresif di saat tertentu), temperamennya stabil dan anjing ini punya kasih sayang terhadap anak-anak dan kokoh untuk diajak bermain. Mereka dapat diam dan patuh, tapi bisa juga lincah dan usil. Semua bergantung pada mood si pemilik, karena pug peka terhadap perasaan majikannya. Mereka dapat dijadikan sebagai anjing penjaga karena mereka selalu siap siaga.
4. Persoalan Kesehatan Pug
Pada umumnya, pug memiliki temperatur tubuh sekitar 38-39 derajat celcius. Jika panas yang diterima mereka mencapai lebih dari 40 derajat celcius, mereka akan mengalami kesulitan untuk menurunkan suhu tubuh, bahkan akan berdampak pada kematian. Karena itu, mereka harus dirawat dalam suhu ruang yang sejuk. Karena pug tidak memiliki moncong yang panjang seperti anjing pada umumnya, ada kemungkinan mereka dapat mengalami luka benturan dan mata tertusuk. Perhatikan kesehatan sekitar wajah anjing pug. Persoalan lainnya muncul dari berat tubuh pug. Pug dapat mengalami obesitas yang sangat berbahaya, karena itu peliharalah pug dan perhatikan pola makan anjing ini. Tentu aja, bukan cuma penyakit-penyakit ringan yang diderita pug, ada beberapa penyakit berbahaya yang dapat muncul pada anjing pug, tapi mungkin gue kurang ngerti untuk ngejelasin. (wikipedia.com)
Kalian bisa cari informasi lebih lanjut tentang isu kesehatan pug :)

Gue pernah menemukan blog seorang bule yang melihara anjing pug. Dya cerita tentang Joseph anjing pug-nya yang jadi anjing terapi. Hey Hey! Bukti kalo Pug is a sweet dog nih... Mereka bisa jadi anjing terapi karena watak mereka yang bersahabat. Go to this web and read about Joseph: http://www.caringcanines.org/membersjoseph.html

Yes! How could I not love pugs? One thing I LOVE about PUGS is they have an expressive eyes and lovely face! See through their eyes, and you will know how sweet they are.

I always believe that PUGS ARE ADORABLE

Saturday, 13 March 2010

The Ugly Duckling

    IT was lovely summer weather in the country, and the
golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the
meadows looked beautiful. The stork walking about on his long
red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had
learnt from his mother. The corn-fields and meadows were
surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep
pools. It was, indeed, delightful to walk about in the
country. In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-house close
by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side
grew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of
them a little child could stand upright. The spot was as wild
as the centre of a thick wood. In this snug retreat sat a duck
on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch; she was
beginning to get tired of her task, for the little ones were a
long time coming out of their shells, and she seldom had any
visitors. The other ducks liked much better to swim about in
the river than to climb the slippery banks, and sit under a
burdock leaf, to have a gossip with her. At length one shell
cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living
creature that lifted its head and cried, "Peep, peep." "Quack,
quack," said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as
they could, and looked about them on every side at the large
green leaves. Their mother allowed them to look as much as
they liked, because green is good for the eyes. "How large the
world is," said the young ducks, when they found how much more
room they now had than while they were inside the egg-shell.
"Do you imagine this is the whole world?" asked the mother;
"Wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond
that to the parson's field, but I have never ventured to such
a distance. Are you all out?" she continued, rising; "No, I
declare, the largest egg lies there still. I wonder how long
this is to last, I am quite tired of it;" and she seated
herself again on the nest.

"Well, how are you getting on?" asked an old duck, who
paid her a visit.

"One egg is not hatched yet," said the duck, "it will not
break. But just look at all the others, are they not the
prettiest little ducklings you ever saw? They are the image of
their father, who is so unkind, he never comes to see."

"Let me see the egg that will not break," said the duck;
"I have no doubt it is a turkey's egg. I was persuaded to
hatch some once, and after all my care and trouble with the
young ones, they were afraid of the water. I quacked and
clucked, but all to no purpose. I could not get them to
venture in. Let me look at the egg. Yes, that is a turkey's
egg; take my advice, leave it where it is and teach the other
children to swim."

"I think I will sit on it a little while longer," said the
duck; "as I have sat so long already, a few days will be

"Please yourself," said the old duck, and she went away.

At last the large egg broke, and a young one crept forth
crying, "Peep, peep." It was very large and ugly. The duck
stared at it and exclaimed, "It is very large and not at all
like the others. I wonder if it really is a turkey. We shall
soon find it out, however when we go to the water. It must go
in, if I have to push it myself."

On the next day the weather was delightful, and the sun
shone brightly on the green burdock leaves, so the mother duck
took her young brood down to the water, and jumped in with a
splash. "Quack, quack," cried she, and one after another the
little ducklings jumped in. The water closed over their heads,
but they came up again in an instant, and swam about quite
prettily with their legs paddling under them as easily as
possible, and the ugly duckling was also in the water swimming
with them.

"Oh," said the mother, "that is not a turkey; how well he
uses his legs, and how upright he holds himself! He is my own
child, and he is not so very ugly after all if you look at him
properly. Quack, quack! come with me now, I will take you into
grand society, and introduce you to the farmyard, but you must
keep close to me or you may be trodden upon; and, above all,
beware of the cat."

When they reached the farmyard, there was a great
disturbance, two families were fighting for an eel's head,
which, after all, was carried off by the cat. "See, children,
that is the way of the world," said the mother duck, whetting
her beak, for she would have liked the eel's head herself.
"Come, now, use your legs, and let me see how well you can
behave. You must bow your heads prettily to that old duck
yonder; she is the highest born of them all, and has Spanish
blood, therefore, she is well off. Don't you see she has a red
flag tied to her leg, which is something very grand, and a
great honor for a duck; it shows that every one is anxious not
to lose her, as she can be recognized both by man and beast.
Come, now, don't turn your toes, a well-bred duckling spreads
his feet wide apart, just like his father and mother, in this
way; now bend your neck, and say 'quack.'"

The ducklings did as they were bid, but the other duck
stared, and said, "Look, here comes another brood, as if there
were not enough of us already! and what a queer looking object
one of them is; we don't want him here," and then one flew out
and bit him in the neck.

"Let him alone," said the mother; "he is not doing any

"Yes, but he is so big and ugly," said the spiteful duck
"and therefore he must be turned out."

"The others are very pretty children," said the old duck,
with the rag on her leg, "all but that one; I wish his mother
could improve him a little."

"That is impossible, your grace," replied the mother; "he
is not pretty; but he has a very good disposition, and swims
as well or even better than the others. I think he will grow
up pretty, and perhaps be smaller; he has remained too long in
the egg, and therefore his figure is not properly formed;" and
then she stroked his neck and smoothed the feathers, saying,
"It is a drake, and therefore not of so much consequence. I
think he will grow up strong, and able to take care of

"The other ducklings are graceful enough," said the old
duck. "Now make yourself at home, and if you can find an eel's
head, you can bring it to me."

And so they made themselves comfortable; but the poor
duckling, who had crept out of his shell last of all, and
looked so ugly, was bitten and pushed and made fun of, not
only by the ducks, but by all the poultry. "He is too big,"
they all said, and the turkey cock, who had been born into the
world with spurs, and fancied himself really an emperor,
puffed himself out like a vessel in full sail, and flew at the
duckling, and became quite red in the head with passion, so
that the poor little thing did not know where to go, and was
quite miserable because he was so ugly and laughed at by the
whole farmyard. So it went on from day to day till it got
worse and worse. The poor duckling was driven about by every
one; even his brothers and sisters were unkind to him, and
would say, "Ah, you ugly creature, I wish the cat would get
you," and his mother said she wished he had never been born.
The ducks pecked him, the chickens beat him, and the girl who
fed the poultry kicked him with her feet. So at last he ran
away, frightening the little birds in the hedge as he flew
over the palings.

"They are afraid of me because I am ugly," he said. So he
closed his eyes, and flew still farther, until he came out on
a large moor, inhabited by wild ducks. Here he remained the
whole night, feeling very tired and sorrowful.

In the morning, when the wild ducks rose in the air, they
stared at their new comrade. "What sort of a duck are you?"
they all said, coming round him.

He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he
did not reply to their question. "You are exceedingly ugly,"
said the wild ducks, "but that will not matter if you do not
want to marry one of our family."

Poor thing! he had no thoughts of marriage; all he wanted
was permission to lie among the rushes, and drink some of the
water on the moor. After he had been on the moor two days,
there came two wild geese, or rather goslings, for they had
not been out of the egg long, and were very saucy. "Listen,
friend," said one of them to the duckling, "you are so ugly,
that we like you very well. Will you go with us, and become a
bird of passage? Not far from here is another moor, in which
there are some pretty wild geese, all unmarried. It is a
chance for you to get a wife; you may be lucky, ugly as you

"Pop, pop," sounded in the air, and the two wild geese
fell dead among the rushes, and the water was tinged with
blood. "Pop, pop," echoed far and wide in the distance, and
whole flocks of wild geese rose up from the rushes. The sound
continued from every direction, for the sportsmen surrounded
the moor, and some were even seated on branches of trees,
overlooking the rushes. The blue smoke from the guns rose like
clouds over the dark trees, and as it floated away across the
water, a number of sporting dogs bounded in among the rushes,
which bent beneath them wherever they went. How they terrified
the poor duckling! He turned away his head to hide it under
his wing, and at the same moment a large terrible dog passed
quite near him. His jaws were open, his tongue hung from his
mouth, and his eyes glared fearfully. He thrust his nose close
to the duckling, showing his sharp teeth, and then, "splash,
splash," he went into the water without touching him, "Oh,"
sighed the duckling, "how thankful I am for being so ugly;
even a dog will not bite me." And so he lay quite still, while
the shot rattled through the rushes, and gun after gun was
fired over him. It was late in the day before all became
quiet, but even then the poor young thing did not dare to
move. He waited quietly for several hours, and then, after
looking carefully around him, hastened away from the moor as
fast as he could. He ran over field and meadow till a storm
arose, and he could hardly struggle against it. Towards
evening, he reached a poor little cottage that seemed ready to
fall, and only remained standing because it could not decide
on which side to fall first. The storm continued so violent,
that the duckling could go no farther; he sat down by the
cottage, and then he noticed that the door was not quite
closed in consequence of one of the hinges having given way.
There was therefore a narrow opening near the bottom large
enough for him to slip through, which he did very quietly, and
got a shelter for the night. A woman, a tom cat, and a hen
lived in this cottage. The tom cat, whom the mistress called,
"My little son," was a great favorite; he could raise his
back, and purr, and could even throw out sparks from his fur
if it were stroked the wrong way. The hen had very short legs,
so she was called "Chickie short legs." She laid good eggs,
and her mistress loved her as if she had been her own child.
In the morning, the strange visitor was discovered, and the
tom cat began to purr, and the hen to cluck.

"What is that noise about?" said the old woman, looking
round the room, but her sight was not very good; therefore,
when she saw the duckling she thought it must be a fat duck,
that had strayed from home. "Oh what a prize!" she exclaimed,
"I hope it is not a drake, for then I shall have some duck's
eggs. I must wait and see." So the duckling was allowed to
remain on trial for three weeks, but there were no eggs. Now
the tom cat was the master of the house, and the hen was
mistress, and they always said, "We and the world," for they
believed themselves to be half the world, and the better half
too. The duckling thought that others might hold a different
opinion on the subject, but the hen would not listen to such
doubts. "Can you lay eggs?" she asked. "No." "Then have the
goodness to hold your tongue." "Can you raise your back, or
purr, or throw out sparks?" said the tom cat. "No." "Then you
have no right to express an opinion when sensible people are
speaking." So the duckling sat in a corner, feeling very low
spirited, till the sunshine and the fresh air came into the
room through the open door, and then he began to feel such a
great longing for a swim on the water, that he could not help
telling the hen.

"What an absurd idea," said the hen. "You have nothing
else to do, therefore you have foolish fancies. If you could
purr or lay eggs, they would pass away."

"But it is so delightful to swim about on the water," said
the duckling, "and so refreshing to feel it close over your
head, while you dive down to the bottom."

"Delightful, indeed!" said the hen, "why you must be
crazy! Ask the cat, he is the cleverest animal I know, ask him
how he would like to swim about on the water, or to dive under
it, for I will not speak of my own opinion; ask our mistress,
the old woman- there is no one in the world more clever than
she is. Do you think she would like to swim, or to let the
water close over her head?"

"You don't understand me," said the duckling.

"We don't understand you? Who can understand you, I
wonder? Do you consider yourself more clever than the cat, or
the old woman? I will say nothing of myself. Don't imagine
such nonsense, child, and thank your good fortune that you
have been received here. Are you not in a warm room, and in
society from which you may learn something. But you are a
chatterer, and your company is not very agreeable. Believe me,
I speak only for your own good. I may tell you unpleasant
truths, but that is a proof of my friendship. I advise you,
therefore, to lay eggs, and learn to purr as quickly as

"I believe I must go out into the world again," said the

"Yes, do," said the hen. So the duckling left the cottage,
and soon found water on which it could swim and dive, but was
avoided by all other animals, because of its ugly appearance.
Autumn came, and the leaves in the forest turned to orange and
gold. then, as winter approached, the wind caught them as they
fell and whirled them in the cold air. The clouds, heavy with
hail and snow-flakes, hung low in the sky, and the raven stood
on the ferns crying, "Croak, croak." It made one shiver with
cold to look at him. All this was very sad for the poor little
duckling. One evening, just as the sun set amid radiant
clouds, there came a large flock of beautiful birds out of the
bushes. The duckling had never seen any like them before. They
were swans, and they curved their graceful necks, while their
soft plumage shown with dazzling whiteness. They uttered a
singular cry, as they spread their glorious wings and flew
away from those cold regions to warmer countries across the
sea. As they mounted higher and higher in the air, the ugly
little duckling felt quite a strange sensation as he watched
them. He whirled himself in the water like a wheel, stretched
out his neck towards them, and uttered a cry so strange that
it frightened himself. Could he ever forget those beautiful,
happy birds; and when at last they were out of his sight, he
dived under the water, and rose again almost beside himself
with excitement. He knew not the names of these birds, nor
where they had flown, but he felt towards them as he had never
felt for any other bird in the world. He was not envious of
these beautiful creatures, but wished to be as lovely as they.
Poor ugly creature, how gladly he would have lived even with
the ducks had they only given him encouragement. The winter
grew colder and colder; he was obliged to swim about on the
water to keep it from freezing, but every night the space on
which he swam became smaller and smaller. At length it froze
so hard that the ice in the water crackled as he moved, and
the duckling had to paddle with his legs as well as he could,
to keep the space from closing up. He became exhausted at
last, and lay still and helpless, frozen fast in the ice.

Early in the morning, a peasant, who was passing by, saw
what had happened. He broke the ice in pieces with his wooden
shoe, and carried the duckling home to his wife. The warmth
revived the poor little creature; but when the children wanted
to play with him, the duckling thought they would do him some
harm; so he started up in terror, fluttered into the milk-pan,
and splashed the milk about the room. Then the woman clapped
her hands, which frightened him still more. He flew first into
the butter-cask, then into the meal-tub, and out again. What a
condition he was in! The woman screamed, and struck at him
with the tongs; the children laughed and screamed, and tumbled
over each other, in their efforts to catch him; but luckily he
escaped. The door stood open; the poor creature could just
manage to slip out among the bushes, and lie down quite
exhausted in the newly fallen snow.

It would be very sad, were I to relate all the misery and
privations which the poor little duckling endured during the
hard winter; but when it had passed, he found himself lying
one morning in a moor, amongst the rushes. He felt the warm
sun shining, and heard the lark singing, and saw that all
around was beautiful spring. Then the young bird felt that his
wings were strong, as he flapped them against his sides, and
rose high into the air. They bore him onwards, until he found
himself in a large garden, before he well knew how it had
happened. The apple-trees were in full blossom, and the
fragrant elders bent their long green branches down to the
stream which wound round a smooth lawn. Everything looked
beautiful, in the freshness of early spring. From a thicket
close by came three beautiful white swans, rustling their
feathers, and swimming lightly over the smooth water. The
duckling remembered the lovely birds, and felt more strangely
unhappy than ever.

"I will fly to those royal birds," he exclaimed, "and they
will kill me, because I am so ugly, and dare to approach them;
but it does not matter: better be killed by them than pecked
by the ducks, beaten by the hens, pushed about by the maiden
who feeds the poultry, or starved with hunger in the winter."

Then he flew to the water, and swam towards the beautiful
swans. The moment they espied the stranger, they rushed to
meet him with outstretched wings.

"Kill me," said the poor bird; and he bent his head down
to the surface of the water, and awaited death.

But what did he see in the clear stream below? His own
image; no longer a dark, gray bird, ugly and disagreeable to
look at, but a graceful and beautiful swan. To be born in a
duck's nest, in a farmyard, is of no consequence to a bird, if
it is hatched from a swan's egg. He now felt glad at having
suffered sorrow and trouble, because it enabled him to enjoy
so much better all the pleasure and happiness around him; for
the great swans swam round the new-comer, and stroked his neck
with their beaks, as a welcome.

Into the garden presently came some little children, and
threw bread and cake into the water.

"See," cried the youngest, "there is a new one;" and the
rest were delighted, and ran to their father and mother,
dancing and clapping their hands, and shouting joyously,
"There is another swan come; a new one has arrived."

Then they threw more bread and cake into the water, and
said, "The new one is the most beautiful of all; he is so
young and pretty." And the old swans bowed their heads before

Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his
wing; for he did not know what to do, he was so happy, and yet
not at all proud. He had been persecuted and despised for his
ugliness, and now he heard them say he was the most beautiful
of all the birds. Even the elder-tree bent down its bows into
the water before him, and the sun shone warm and bright. Then
he rustled his feathers, curved his slender neck, and cried
joyfully, from the depths of his heart, "I never dreamed of
such happiness as this, while I was an ugly duckling."

wih,, such a beautiful story, isn't it? this story always successfully touch my heart with a warm feeling. an ugly duck turn into a beautiful swan. just like a miracle... we should have a little faith like the ugly duck waiting for the best to come. nothing is impossible and someday we will see what the miracle can do in our life. live with hope and believe it, hope can change everything...!

Short Story - Fairy Tales : Thumbelina

Wanna read the story?? Go to this web and you can read it. "Thumbelina" by Hans Christian Andersen. Enjoy it! :D


Thank You, Mom

I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights
~Terri Guillemets

Mungkin kata-kata itu jarang gue keluarin dari mulut gue untuk seorang mama yang selalu setia buat gue. 'Hanya' tiga kata, tapi mungkin menjadi kata-kata yang suliiiittnya setengah mati untuk diucapkan. Karena gue orangnya gak terbiasa untuk bicara hal-hal yang kayak gini, tapi gue lebih suka mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih gue ke mama dengan cara lain. Misalnya, gak melakukan hal-hal yang bikin hati mama sakit ato berusaha sebaik mungkin dalam kuliah atau hal lainnya... Bisa juga dengan cara menjadi pendengar yang baik buat kesusahan hati mama. Walaupun caranya pasif, tapi gue sih percaya mama bakal ngerti maksud hati gue. Gue dibesarkan bukan dengan cara yang terbuka kayak anak-anak lain karena gue biasa ditinggal orang tua kerja seharian. Jadi, komunikasi yang terbuka bukan dasar dari keluarga gue. Tapi entah kenapa gue ngerasa udah sepantasnya gue ngasih yang terbaik dari hidup gue buat mama papa gue sebagai ganti rasa terima kasih gue yang gak bisa gue ungkapkan. Di kesempatan ini, meskipun hanya dalam tulisan, gue mau ngasih tau betapa gue sangat berterima kasih selama ini mama khususnya yang udah ngasih apapun yang terbaik buat gue. Untuk kasih sayang, waktu, kebaikan, perhatian, dan kerja keras mama...

Thank you, Mom...

regreting something

I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.
- Alice in Alice in Wonderland

Oh! That quote remind me of myself. It's true that I also like Alice who often gave herself a very good advice, but she seldom followed it... I was too slow to understand what must I do. Slow to predict and slow to decide something. It sometimes made me regret about what I've done. Maybe it's better for me to listen what my heart is saying... and the most important is to follow it because that may be the best way to decide something.
Then 'regret' should not be appear in my life. :D

Friday, 12 March 2010

Sixteen Going on Seventeen

This is one of my favorite song in The Sound of Music
a song when Leisl and Rolf sang together in duet

You wait little girl
On an empty stage
For fate to turn the light on

Your life little girl
is an empty page
that men will want to write on

To write on

You are 16 going on 17
Baby its time to think
Better beware
Be canny and careful
Baby you're on the brink

You are 16 going on 17
Fellows will fall in line
Eager young lads
And grueways and cads
Will offer you fruit and wine

Totally unprepared are you
To face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared are you
Of things beyond your ken

You need someone
Older and wiser
Telling you what to do
I am 17 going on 18
I'll take care of you

I am 16 going on 17
I know that i'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe

I am 16 going on 17 innocent as a rose
Bachelor dandies
Drinkers of brandies
What do I know of those

Totally unprepared am I
To face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared am I
Of things beyond my ken

I need someone
Older and wiser
Telling me what to do
You are 17 going on 18
I'll depend on you